Acupuncture and Chinese massage
Stuart specialises in treatment for musculoskeletal issues – helping to reduce muscular tension, and stimulate the body’s nervous and immune systems to promote healing. A combination of both massage & acupuncture can produce excellent results in both acute and chronic conditions such as back, neck, shoulder and knee pain. With his expertise in exercise prescription, Stuart can further provide specific exercises to work alongside treatment.
Sarah suffering from chronic shoulder pain says: “I think the combination of massage followed by acupuncture is a winner. My shoulder has a lot more mobility in it than it has for at least 6 months and it is also much less painful. I need to book you in again!”
Acupuncture & Chinese massage can also help to treat conditions such as:
- Arthritis
- Headaches, migraines
- Menstrual cramps
- Cancer and treatment side-effects
- Immune system problems
- Infertility
- Irritable bowel syndrome IBS
- Menopause and hot flushes
- Pregnancy discomforts
- Repetitive strain and overuse syndrome
Just contact with any queries or to book a treatment (start at £40). Home visits available or at OwnZone, 9 Lansdown, Stroud GL5 1BB